The Apocalypse: 5 Things you can Start doing to Save the Environment
“Sooner or later, we will have to recognize that the earth has rights, too, to live without pollution. What mankind must know is that human beings cannot live without Mother Earth, but the planet can live without humans.” -Eve Morales
Climate Change, pollution, carbon emissions, loss of biodiversity, etc. are only some of the crises the environment is facing currently. The need to constantly cough because of unclean air, spotting piles of stinking garbage on the streets, etc. are circumstances that we all encounter daily.
Was this always the case, though?
The rise of technology has been a boon as well as a curse. With smartphones in our hands, all it requires is a click of a button and voila! The groceries are at our doorsteps.
Scientists have declared the year 2050 as the “inevitable” year. The global population will shoot up to 9.7 billion. With the decline of mountain ice, people will face a paramount shortage of food and water. The temperature of the planet will ridiculously shoot up. The world in 2050 will be more hostile and less fertile, more crowded and less diverse. The situation shall keep worsening as the years go by.
While ample governments of the world are taking steps in order to curb climate change, it is less likely to succeed unless we, as individuals take conscious steps towards shaping a greener world. Hence, here are 5simple ways in which you can contribute to the environment.
1) Say “NO” to Plastic
We all know that plastic is not only harmful to the environment but also to our bodies. Plastic is present everywhere, from plastic straws we use to relish our drinks to the toothpaste we use, first thing in the morning. But guess what? You can say a firm “NO” to plastic! Avoid using plastic straws, bags, etc. Carry a cloth/tote bag while shopping. Metal straws are a great alternative to plastic ones. So, the next time you are offered a plastic bag to put your veggies in, wave your tote bag at them!
2) Thrift Stores/Local Businesses
We are used to buying things from big corporations like Amazon, Flipkart, etc. H&M for clothes, Ikea for furniture and a million more. But, multimillion companies tend to look at the larger margin. The waste produced during the manufacture of products, carbon emissions, tone of plastic packaging, quality of products are things gigantic companies don’t care about. Thrift stores, second-hand shops, local businesses, on the other hand focus on providing the best quality of products as well as maintaining sustainability while doing so. Look for thrift stores around your locality or even online! Instead of buying products from Amazon, support these small initiatives as well as the environment!
3) Avoid using vehicles
When I say this, I don’t actually mean ditch your cars and start travelling by means of horses :P. Vehicles save a lot of our time and effort. But, they are a threat to the planet. While we can’t quit travelling through vehicles altogether, we can limit our use. Opt for car pools as much as you can. Walk or use a bicycle to travel small distances. One of the underrated topics on this issue is how airplanes contribute a great deal to air pollution. You can opt for trains instead of planes. Hopefully, in a few years, we can switch to electric vehicles altogether!
4) Recycle your Waste
This is a mantra we have been taught since kindergarten. What does it really entail? We produce tons and tons of waste daily. Plastic waste, food waste and sometimes even e-waste. Firstly, circumvent things you know you can live without. Steered clear of unwanted things, the trash produced would still be a lot. Pick out things you can reuse. Be it a mason jar that can be used for storing pulses or shirts that can used as cleaning rags, do not shy away from reusing. Lastly, there are a lot of things one cannot reuse either. Those can go in the recycle bin. There are a lot of organizations whose products’ are made from recycled waste. So the next time you are told to take out the garbage, check off the three R’s before dumping it. You will be astonished to find out that your trash will dramatically reduce!
5) Gift sustainably
We all adore receiving as well as giving gifts, don’t we? Our bins are loaded with wrapping paper and ribbons during birthdays, anniversaries, miscellaneous occasions. The latest i-phone or a an expensive piece of jewelry. But rarely do we realize the impact it makes on the environment. Choose eco-friendly, minimal to no packaging gifts from local businesses (you saw it coming, didn’t you? :P). Make sure to conduct research about the company you are buying from. Don’t let them greenwash you! People who are artsy can make DIY gifts for their loved ones like a crocheted blanket or perhaps a portrait. Eco-friendly packaging options include paper, newspaper, cloths, etc. And don’t forget to store all those ribbons for the next occasion!
These 5 little changes might not be huge swaps but they will make a large impact on the planet if every individual took a few initiatives. Start caring now, cause we don’t have a Planet B.
Disclaimer: This blog was written solely for the purpose of spreading awareness. I do not want to come off as preachy. These are a few changes that I have tried to include in my life. I still have a long way to go.
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Until then, take care!